Complaints Procedure



In its provision of consultancy and training services, Occupational Safety and Health Associates (Aust) Pty Limited – OSHA Aust – is committed to providing services to clients to the highest level of competency, currency and fairness.  We aim to achieve levels of industry best practice. Further, we are commitment to creating work environments that are free from discrimination and harassment and where all members of staff, clients and students are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.

OSHA Aust accepts its obligations to treat seriously all complaints of poor quality of service and/or advice, discrimination, victimisation, harassment, vilification or seeking unnecessary information on which discrimination might be based. All complaints will be handled confidentially and impartially, investigated promptly and recommendations implemented.

Complaints procedure

The process for managing complaints is as follows:

  • A complaint can be made to any manager, consultant or trainer in OSHA Aust.
  • The complaint does not have to be in writing.
  • The complaint may be anonymous; however it may not be possible to provide feedback to an anonymous lodger of the complaint.
  • The complaint will be handled fairly and based on the principles of natural justice.
  • Natural justice means the right to be given a fair hearing and the opportunity to present your case, and the right to have a decision made by an impartial decision maker.
  • There will be no victimisation as a result of making a complaint or supplying information to an investigation or other person with a role in this procedure.
  • The complaint will be handled confidentially (and in accordance with our Privacy provisions). The person managing the complaint will be independent and impartial of the complaint and any other parties involved. This may include a person appointed from outside OSHA Aust.
  • All parties to a complaint have the option of nominating a support person to be present.

The complaint will be dealt with as a matter of priority following these steps:

  • The person managing the complaint will discuss the issue with the complainant within (often 24 hours) of the complaint being made.
  • The person being complained about will be informed of the allegations against them. They will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations.
  • Statements from witnesses and any other relevant evidence will be collected.

This part of the complaint process will be completed within (often 7 working days).

A report documenting the investigation process, the evidence, findings and recommendations will be prepared and submitted to the appropriate decision maker.

The Principal Consultant will decide what action will be taken, depending on the outcome of the investigation and any other relevant factors.

Parties to the complaint will be advised about any action to be taken in relation to them. If the outcome is not acceptable to the parties, an appeal can be made within (often 3 working days) to (often the Managing Director or another very senior staff member) to review the complaint and outcome.

The Principal Consultant will implement their recommended actions.

The Managing Director will monitor the outcomes of complaints and take appropriate action to prevent further complaints arising.

A complaint can also be lodged with an external agency (such as the Anti-Discrimination Commission).

A complaint to an external agency will not prevent this Complaint Procedure from continuing where (the Principal Consultant decides that this is appropriate.

OSHA Aust will review this procedure every three years.


David McIvor
Managing Director
January 2019